@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000094, author = {木村, 啓子 and KIMURA, Keiko}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要, Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University}, month = {Sep}, note = {3週間の英語圏滞在が学生の英語力にいかなる影響を与えるものか、あるいは与えないものかを統計学的に検証した。このプログラムは3週間にわたり午前中は毎日、国際クラスで英語の授業をうけ、午後はさまざまなアクティビティー、滞在先はニュージーランドの一般家庭に日本人は1人ずつ、という形式で行われた。この研究では、ニュージーランド短期語学研修参加者19名を実験群、統計学的にみて実験群と同レベルの英語力をもつ48名の学生を統制群とし、両群に対して研修の前後に文法、作文、リーディング、リスニングの4部門で構成される英語の実力試験を行い、英語力の比較研究を行った。その結果、文法パート、作文パート、リーディングパートには実験群内においても研修前後で有意差が現れず、また統制群との比較の上でも有意差は現れなかったが、全体の総合点とリスニングパートにおいては、研修後、両群間に有意差が認められ、また実験群内での研修前後の比較においても、英語力の伸びに有意差が見られた。3週間という短期間であっても学生の総合英語力、特にリスニング力に違いが現れることが検証された。, This study was conducted to see whether participation in a three-week language study program in an English-speaking country results in any differences among Japanese university students in their English language proficiencies. For this purpose, 19 students, who participated in a language program in New Zealand for approximately three weeks, and 48 students, who stayed in Japan over the same period of time, were divided respectively into an experimental group and a control group. The same English test was given to both groups twice as a pretest and a post-test before and after the implementation of the program. The equivalence of the two groups' English proficiency was established through the pretest. In the results of the post-test, no significant differences were observed in the sections of grammar, writing, or reading between two groups, but a significant difference was noted in the listening section. Within the experimental group, a significant difference was observed between the results of the pretest and the post-test. Also, the comparison of the total scores of all three sections between two groups in the post-test showed a significant difference. At the same time, in the experimental group, a significant difference was shown in the comparison of the total scores between the pretest and post-test. As a result, it was verified that students' general English proficiency, especially in their listening proficiency, changed through the three-week stay in an English speaking country., 1, KJ00004909968, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--20}, title = {英語圏滞在が学生の英語力に及ぼす影響 : 短期語学研修により英語力は向上するか}, volume = {12}, year = {2006}, yomi = {キムラ, ケイコ} }