@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000651, author = {角谷, 淳 and KADOTANI, Kiyoshi}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要, Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University}, month = {Sep}, note = {研究ノート, Research Notes, 本稿では、旧外国語学校にいた二葉亭と官報狂時代の彼とウラジオストクおよびハルビンに出発するまでの二葉亭の姿を特に空間および時間に注目しながら読み解いていき新しい評伝を作ることを目的とする。特に、外国語学校での二葉亭と、その他を比較するまたいかにして徳永商店の嘱託として、ウラジオストク及びハルビンに向かえるようになったかや、官報局時代の副業にも目を配った評伝にしたい。, This paper, aims at creating a new critical biography of Futabatei Shimei, by analyzing his life between his former foreign language school days (Meiji 17-22) and Official Newspaper reporter days (Meiji 22-35) before he departed to Vladivostok and Harbin, especially focusing on the concept of space and time. It compares his worldview as a student with his ideas at later times; taking into consideration the time he spent at Official Newspaper Bureau in Japan and the period he was in Russia as the advisor of Tokunaga Trade Company.}, pages = {87--102}, title = {ウラジオストク・ハルビンに向かうまでの二葉亭四迷}, volume = {32}, year = {2018}, yomi = {カドタニ, キヨシ} }