@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000599, author = {中橋, 友子 and NAKAHASHI, Tomoko}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策論集, Shobi journal of policy studies, Shobi University}, month = {Dec}, note = {論文, Article, 暴言王トランプの当選に世界は驚いた。しかしアメリカの有権者の多くが置かれている状況を考えれば、それは驚くに値しない。ここではアメリカがどのような文化・社会的問題を抱え、人々が何を彼に期待して投票したのかを論じる。, Trump was elected the 45th president of the US, and that astonished the world. However, when we think about the situation which the American people are in at the moment, that is not astonishing. Here, I discuss the cultural and social problems in contemporary America and the expectations for the next president.}, pages = {75--94}, title = {汚れたカウボーイ : トランプ支持者達は彼に何を期待しているのか?}, volume = {23}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ナカハシ, トモコ} }