@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000462, author = {四方, 義昭 and SHIKATA, Yoshiaki and 華山, 宣胤 and HANAYAMA, Nobutane}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報研究, Journal of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Suppose that there are two classes and that an arriving (class-1 or class-2) request encounters n1 class-1 and n2 class-2 requests in a single-server system. We then propose a new prioritized limited round-robin (RR) rule, under which m quanta are individually and simultaneously allocated to class-1 requests in each RR cycle, whereas one quantum is allocated to class-2 requests. Furthermore, the sum of the quanta being included in each RR cycle is kept below a fixed value. An arriving request that cannot be allocated a quantum because of such a restriction is either entered in the service waiting queue (the waiting system) or rejected (the loss system). Practical performance measures, such as the relationship between the mean sojourn time, mean queue waiting time, loss probability, and quantum size are evaluated via simulation. In the evaluation, the sojourn time of an arriving request is evaluated using the requested service time, number of quanta included in each RR cycle, and quantum size. Then, the change in the number of quanta needed before service is complete is reevaluated at the arrival or departure of other class-1 and class-2 requests. Tracking these events and calculations enables us to analyze the performance of the prioritized limited RR rule. In particular, we obtain the most suitable quantum size that minimizes the mean sojourn time for the case where the switching time for each quantum is considered. The proposed RR rule and performance evaluation results are realistic in the server and client type communication system where the time-shared computer is employed as the server system., 6, KJ00010210919, 論文, Articles}, pages = {75--85}, title = {Performance Evaluation of a Prioritized Limited Round-Robin System}, volume = {25}, year = {2016}, yomi = {シカタ, ヨシアキ and ハナヤマ, ノブタネ} }