@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000447, author = {小林, 範子 and KOBAYASHI, Noriko}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報研究, Journal of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Looking at the cultural climate of Paris in the late nineteenth century, when social modernization and rationalization and the alienation of human instinct were increasingly progressing, for example, Pan, who lived in the Arcadia of ancient Greece, veiled in a visionary dream or fascination, revived in several variants in literature and works of art. This paper firstly aims to analyze Pan in the "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" by Debussy, also discussing Mallarm1, and Nijinsky. "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" is a work unfolding on the stage of the Arcadia. And we also consider the innovative technique of Debussy's musical language. On that basis, we, bringing into view the 'rural utopia' described by the poet Vergil of ancient Rome and the world of non-rational matriarchal system, consider such a cultural climate of Paris where a lot of innovative artworks were, beyond the genre, produced in the fields of music, fine arts, literature, and performing arts., 3, KJ00009612979, 論文, Articles}, pages = {51--60}, title = {ドビュッシーに響く世紀末のパリ : ドビュッシーと19世紀後半のパリ、その文化風土への一考察}, volume = {23}, year = {2014}, yomi = {コバヤシ, ノリコ} }