@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000402, author = {稲葉, 千賀 and INABA, Chika and MT, BC and LCAT(New, York)}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報研究, Journal of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Nov}, note = {音楽療法の悲嘆援助において、作詞や即興の技法が悲嘆者の表現を促すために使われることが多い。しかし、歌唱活動のみを通して悲嘆者が心理的な解決に向かうことがある。音楽療法セッションで高齢者が喪失体験に直接関係のない内容の歌を歌いセラピストとの対話を通し悲嘆の症状が減少したケースを、グラウンデッドセオリーに基づき分析した。悲嘆の心理プロセスは、混沌と模索、スプリット、気づきと希望、受容の4段階に別れ、心理過程が音楽にも投影されていた。高齢者の選曲や今後の音楽療法における悲嘆援助について最後に考察した。, This study describes the relationship between musical elements and grieving process. Song writing and improvisation are often used for grief care in music therapy; however, many grieving clients overcome their losses and bereavement by singing non-grief-themed songs. Grounded Theory was used to analyze the musical and verbal expressions of a geriatric client. His sessions had terminated before this study. Four psychological stages are categorized: Chaos and Exploration, Split, Awareness and hope, and Acceptance. Those stages are analogizing to a thanatological grieving process. The features of each stage reflect both the musical elements of the songs and his musical expressions. Although the songs he selected were not directly related to his grief or losses, the selected songs represented his grief. These findings resulted from a single case, which discussed the significance of understanding clients through music and possible roles of the music therapist during this stage of life., 1, KJ00004933454, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--7}, title = {音楽療法の悲嘆援助に関するケーススタディ : 歌唱活動を通した悲しみの表現と悲嘆の心理過程}, volume = {12}, year = {2007}, yomi = {イナバ, チカ} }