@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000311, author = {梅澤, 昇平 and UMEZAWA, Shohei}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策論集, Shobi journal of policy studies, Shobi University}, month = {Dec}, note = {日本の戦後"革新政党"の歴史を振り返る上で、西尾と江田の存在は極めて大きい。西尾は、社会党そして民社党をつくった人物であり、江田は浅沼委員長刺殺事件以後、社会党を再興させた中心人物である。二人とも、社会党の改革を求めて闘ったが、挫折した。二人の共通点と距離間を検討する。, Suehiro Nishio and Saburo Eda played a significant role in the history of Japan's postwar "progressive" parties.Nishio was a founder of the Japan Socialist Party and the Democratic Socialist Party,whereas Eda was a central figure who reconstructed the Japan Socialist Party after the assassination of the JSP Chairman Inejiro Asanuma.Both figures struggled to reform the Japan Socialist Party, resulting in a failure.This paper will examine the common points and differences between the two figures., 1, KJ00005551439, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--11}, title = {江田三郎と西尾末廣の距離 : 社会党と民社党の歴史の原点}, volume = {9}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ウメザワ, ショウヘイ} }