@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000272, author = {上原, 康雄 and UEHARA, Yasuo}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {映画は19世紀末のルミエール兄弟のシネマトグラフを起源として、110年の時間が経過した。今日の映画界において、歴史と社会と風土と人間を一体として、壮大な映画を制作する監督の一人にテオ・アンゲロプロスがいる。彼のテーマはギリシアの現代社会の動向、民族、移民、国境、家族の絆、人間疎外など幅広い。そしてギリシア人独特な神話、叙事詩、悲劇を映画に取り入れ、現代と過去を融合させる。演出手法は徹底したリアリズムであるが、ユーモアとペーソスを滲ませ秀逸である。彼は映像をあくまでも実写の迫力で描き、その絵画的な美しさは比類がない。映像表現は1シーン=1カット、360度パン、移動ショット、オフシーンの重視により、「現在と過去の同一画面での描写」「現実と幻想の共存」など斬新な表現で映像空間を構成する。そしてギリシア独特の演劇と演舞が哀愁をこめた音楽と共に演じられる。この研究ノートではアンゲロプロス監督の「再現」から「エレニの旅」を分析し、我々の映像制作の参考にしたい。, It has been hundred ten years since Lumiere brothers delighted the audiences with their cinematograph in the late nineteenth century. Today in film industry, Theo Angelopoulos regarded as a director, who captures history, society, custom and people into creating a spectacles film.His interests vary from actual events of people, ethnicities, immigrants, boundaries, family ties to alienations of human beings, which are structured into one spectacle film. Also he finds sources for film making from a Greek myth, epic and tragedy and overlaps the past with the present need we feel for human community. Although his directing style is regarded as realism, at the same time his humor and pathos used in his films fascinate audiences. He shoots sources of all the raw material as they are and still his cinematographic style is no mach. His emphasis on techniques that using one shoot in a single take, 360 degree pan and off scene helps construct a scene such as "simultaneous shooting of pastime and presence" and "coexistence of reality and fantasy" in a screen. Moreover, traditional Greek theatrical act and dance combined with sentimental music provide a film nostalgic image. This paper explores the film works of director Angelopulous from "Reconstruction" to "A trip of ELENI" and attempts to search hints for our picture making., 2, KJ00004920361, 論文, Article}, pages = {13--30}, title = {叙事詩的映画の一考察 : アンゲロプロス監督作品から}, volume = {11}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ウエハラ, ヤスオ} }