@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000254, author = {田中, 孝志 and TANAKA, Takashi}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Dec}, note = {本論はスピーチでどのような表現方法が聞き手の興味を引くのかを考察するために失言を分析し、同時に失言が発生する原因を究明する。特に本論では話者のメッセージの描写方法に対する聞き手と第三者間での視点と解釈という観点を重視する。分析方法に関してはボーマンのファンタシー理論を応用し説明する。, Through analyzing a slip of tongue, the paper attempts to clarify effective development of descriptions in speech style communication and also sheds light to the reason that causes a slip of tongue. Specially, analysis focuses on interaction between listeners and their acquaintances along with speaker's message., 3, KJ00004919560, 論文, Article}, pages = {35--49}, title = {Analysis on Speech Development : How to Draw Interests from Listeners}, volume = {8}, year = {2005}, yomi = {タナカ, タカシ} }