@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000244, author = {坂田, 晃一 and SAKATA, Koichi}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Dec}, note = {日本のテレビ・ドラマのテーマ音楽は、近年、そのあり方の諸相に於いて変化を見せている。それらの変化の原因を探り、その結果としてのテーマ音楽の現状について検証する。更に、その現状が抱える問題点と弊害を明らかにし、そうした現状から脱却するための方策を提案する。, It might be recognize that recently "Theme Music" of Japanese TV drama has been changed in many aspects; its musical contents, the system of production and so on. In this paper the author tries to find the cause of these changes which happened and to search the present states of "Theme Music". Furthermore the author tries to clarify the problem and harmful effects, which the present situation of theme music is including within, and suggest the correct direction which the author believes., 4, KJ00004919547, 論文, Article}, pages = {63--70}, title = {日本のテレビ・ドラマにおけるテーマ音楽についての考察 (音楽表現学科特集号)}, volume = {6}, year = {2004}, yomi = {サカタ, コウイチ} }