@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000233, author = {山崎, 岩男 and YAMAZAKI, Iwao}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Sep}, note = {声楽発声に必要な人体諸器管の働きに関する知識と、さまざまな指導者により考案された声楽発声の方法、またそれを習得するためのトレーニング方法を比較検証し、演奏、指導の場での合理的な活用の形を模索し提言する。, In this thesis, based on the knowledge of functions of the organs of a human body needed for a vocalization and a comparative study regarding with various types of vocalization and vocalization trainings thought out by several instructors, a practical and reasonable vocalization method for a performer and a practical and effective instruction method for a instructor are suggested., 7, KJ00004919447, 論文, Article}, pages = {165--184}, title = {「声楽的な」発声について : 理論と指導の実際 (音楽表現学科特集号)}, volume = {4}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ヤマザキ, イワオ} }