@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000219, author = {井上, 道子 and INOUE, Michiko}, journal = {尚美学園大学芸術情報学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Informatics for Arts, Shobi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {レオシュ・ヤナーチェク(1854-1928)はチェコの近代音楽を代表する、どのジャンルにも属さない独自の作法を編み出した作曲家である。それゆえ、正統派の間で長い間無視され50歳頃になってようやく世の中に認められるようになり、その後亡くなるまで次々に名作を発表していった。彼の音楽を語るときオペラやモラヴィア民謡なしでは語れない。交響曲や器楽曲にも必ず背景にはドラマがあり、話し言葉や人間の内に秘められた内容そのものに密接な繋がりがある。人間の持つあらゆる感情思考が音符に刻み込まれており、音楽の解釈は決して理論的であってはならない。また、彼はしばしば「瞬間の真実」を最も大事だと考え、ダイナミックスやテンポや発想記号をその場で変えたりもした。ヤナーチェク自身は"氷のような冷たい美とは何だろうか? 私は、どの音もただ指の運動を通して出たものではなく、燃える心を通して響いた音を聴きたい。"(注1)と言っている。ここでは、オペラを語る以前に長年にわたってモラヴィア民謡収集家として活躍してきたモラヴィア民謡に彼の音楽表現の原点があると考え、ピアノ曲「草かげの小径」を通してその関連性を探ってみた。, Leos Janacek was an innovative Czech composer. Born in 1854 in Moravia, a place that gave him a lot of inspiration for his music, Janacek was so revolutionary that only a few people could understand it at the time. When we are talking about his music, it is important to consider his operas, which were composed in a very dramatic and exiting style, similar to his pieces of orchestra and instrumental music. In approaching any of Janacek's works we have to understand, that the music notes are only the basis. His intentions, which are explained in his tempo and dynamic marks, should be considered and played with sensitivity. We can find in his music many dramas and stories. To understand his music better, there are a few possible approaches. One of them is to study his opera, as I have said. The second is to research folk music from Moravia, which influenced him very much. Therefore I'd like to explain how the influence of Moravian folk music appeared in his piano music, especially in his " On an Overgrown Path.", 4, KJ00004916655, 論文, Article}, pages = {47--64}, title = {ヤナーチェクの作品とモラヴィア民謡の関連性を探る : ピアノ作品「草かげの小径」を題材として}, volume = {3}, year = {2004}, yomi = {イノウエ, ミチコ} }