@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000163, author = {大味, 潤 and OOMI, Jun}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要, Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University}, month = {Sep}, note = {e ラーニングが登場して十数年が経過しているが、成功例は未だ多くはない。企業向けや学校向けの内容それぞれに様々な要因が考えられているが、そもそも新しいメディアを活用した教授法は、成功した事例が無いとする指摘もある。筆者もクラス単位での英語e ラーニング授業を担当して5 年が過ぎ、この間に色々な問題点と向き合いながら、実に様々な対処法を試みて来たが、その試行錯誤の中で徐々に授業として安定した形式となり、ようやく一定の成果を上げて来るようになった。今回はその成果をまとめて研究報告とし、この分野の発展の一助としたい。, Two decades have almost passed since e-learning appeared in the academic and businessenvironment both in Japan and United States. However, we have not seen so manysuccessful cases yet because of different problems in the two environments. A particularly negative view is there can't be any successes when trying to incorporate any new technology into education.The author has taught e-learning English classes for five years and encountered andsolved various problems. By trial and error, he has finally developed an effective teachingmethod for the classes. He would like to share his experiences and solutions with his fellowteachers in the same field., 1, KJ00010104299, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--19}, title = {英語eラーニング授業の問題点とその対応策例}, volume = {26}, year = {2015}, yomi = {オウミ, ジュン} }