@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000156, author = {大味, 潤 and OOMI, Jun}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要, Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {4 年制大学の必修英語において異文化適応の通年クラスを数か年に渡って行ってきたが、これまでその成果は年度末の調査でしか表せなかった。その為今回は、授業開始時、1 学期終了時、そして年度末の3 回に渡り数値データを取ることで学生の意識変遷と授業の成果を検証する。先行研究に当たる1学期のみ半年のデータでの調査を踏まえ、今回は通年のデータを2 年度分を使い、さらに上位クラスと下位クラスの類似点並びに相違点を論じる。またその結果を基に、当授業の有効性と問題点と修正方向、さらに今後の研究の方向性も併せて論じてゆきたい。, The researcher has been conducting cross-cultural training in his ESL classes at severalJapanese four-year colleges. Though he has already examined various effects of his classroomactivities in his previous researches, these researches were based on his surveys inwhich the students gave their feedbacks only at the end of the one-year course. Therefore,the researches were never able to present how the students' attitudes toward English wereat the beginning, how they had changed through the classes, and how they ended up whenfinishing the course.The purpose of the survey was to investigate how Japanese college students changedthemselves through his course. In this research, the researcher examines the effects of hisclassroom activities on three different times; before starting the course, when finishingthe first semester, and after completing the course. This paper presents the year-rounddata of 2012 and 2013. The data demonstrated various elements and aspects of the students'minds and attitudes toward English. They also indicate some directions to modifyhis researches as well as his classroom activities in the future., 6, KJ00009543699, 研究ノート, Research Note}, pages = {73--88}, title = {異文化適応クラスにおける学生の意識変遷に関する通年調査}, volume = {24}, year = {2014}, yomi = {オウミ, ジュン} }