@article{oai:shobi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000116, author = {梅澤, 昇平 and UMEZAWA, Shohei}, journal = {尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要, Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University}, month = {Sep}, note = {政党には「正史」に書かれない裏面史がある。本稿では、民杜党がめざした、あるいは関与した「政界再編劇」「連立政権劇」について、当時の関係者の証言録、さらに現存する関係者へのインタビューから真相に迫る。, A political party has an inside history not described in an authentic history. This paper aims to reveal the truth of the political realignment and the coalition governments in which the Democratic Socialist Party was involved, based on testimonies of persons concerned at that time and interviews with living persons concerned., 7, KJ00005849899, 研究ノート, Research Note}, pages = {133--147}, title = {政界再編と連立 : 証言と記録で読み解く民社党裏面史}, volume = {18}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ウメザワ, ショウヘイ} }